Connecting people with greenspaces for health benefits
Who are we for?

Physical Health
Chronic Pain
Help address chronic pain, strength and balance issues by taking part in gentle movements groups, electric tricycles and ebike groups or walking groups

Mental Health
Give yourself headspace by getting some fresh air and relax!

Pre-existing Health Condition
Diabetes type 2
Cardiovascular Disease
Join-in to naturally feel better without the need for extra medication and take control of your health

Social Life
Social Isolation
Meet likeminded people, have a friendly chat and a cup of tea!
Making yourself feel better can be tough
Sometimes many factors in your life can add-up and make you feel unwell. You’re not alone.
Dealing with health conditions and a busy life can be frustrating and overwhelming, whether you suffer from chronic pain, depression, diabetes type 2 or loneliness, spending time outdoors has been shown to improve your physical and mental health.
We can help you take charge of your own health and live a happier life by giving you access to the support you need.
By talking to our Green Health Information Hotline at DVVA, we can help you find an activity you enjoy and makes you feel better – for free.

Why is Green Health good for me?
Engaging in Green Health Activities can help build strength by building your muscles which helps reduce falls and keeps you mobile. It can help you cope with everyday stress by increasing your concentration and focus.
Our electric cycling groups can help you forget about your chronic pain and let you experience life at full speed, and you don’t have to worry about your balance, simply try out an electric tricycle to get you going.
Being active outdoors helps you improve your lung capacity which can help with your COPD or asthma - some people even managed to get rid of their inhaler by regularly taking part in a walking group.
Being surrounded by nature boosts your immune system, and can even help reduce inflammation and your upset stomach. So if you are getting ready for surgery or even recovering from it getting active outdoors can help.
If you are looking for a way to break up your day-to-day routine or are searching for a way to calm down, lower your high blood pressure and heart rate or give yourself some time to think making space in your week to participate in a green health activity is a great way to make yourself feel happier and feel better.
Joining-in can make you feel more connected to others around you and find new friends.
Being outdoors can also help the little ones in your life that are not even here with us yet to get a healthy start. Antenatal and family walks and messy play groups can get the whole family having fun together.
Many of us suffer from type 2 diabetes or obesity. Shifting weight can be difficult alone but participating in a fun outdoor activity can help you manage your weight and keep the weight off for good.
How it works
Get in Touch
Find out what's available for you
Take part in the activity and feel better
Who are we? What do we do?
At Dundee Green Health Partnership we know you are the kind of people who want to be in charge of your own health and live a happy life. In order to be that way you need access to green health activities. The problem is finding up to date information of what’s available locally, which makes you spend hours searching the web leaving you feeling frustrated. We believe it should be easy to find and participate in local groups to have fun and get healthy. We understand that everyone has a busy life and not the time to spend hours on the internet searching. That’s why we created the Green Health Prescription pathway. Here’s how it works: You get in touch through DVVA’s Dial-OP Information Hotline, talk to our operator and find a local activity that you will enjoy and are interested in, and then go and take part, have fun and take advantage of all of the benefits. Don’t worry we know one shoe does not fit all – we have loads of activities to choose from so there is something there for everyone.
So pick up the phone and call 01382 305757, text 07719 696229 or email us on, so you can stop searching and start taking charge of your own health and live a happy life.
And the best thing?
This is all free.
You can self-refer or speak to your doctor about getting involved.
And of course you can bring a friend to share the fun.
Worried about starting something new alone? Don’t worry we have green health buddies to accompany you in the beginning.